Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Twelve - Part 2

I want to take the time right now and talk about dreams or more specifically what I've learned about them.

I've learned that in order to make your dreams come true that you have to have a clear cut direction in where you want to go and what you want to accomplish. I start this off with prayer. The Lord Jesus knows better than I do what direction I need to go so I start there.

The next thing I've discovered is the dreaded word we flee from as soon as it begins to show it's ugly face. In order for dreams to become reality it takes d..d..dis..dis...DISCIPLINE. There...I said it!

As a writer and musician, it takes writing something or working on music every day. Last night, inspired by a young man on American Idol who sang Barry Manilow's Copa Cabanna like a seal on steroids, I decided the time would be better spent working on a new musical piece I've been working on. This is in addition to my nine to five which really isn't a nine to five but I won't go there.

Dreams are not the same as fairy tales. Fairy tales are myths. Dreams are desires of the heart. True dreams are attainable or are things that can or will actually happen. Fairy tales always stay fairy tales.

That being said, dreams need a plan. A plan is the bridge that connects dreams to reality.

And finally, the gas that pushes us across that bridge...persistance.

So in a nutshell, dreams are work.

Those are all nice thoughts but putting them into action is a whole other story. People talk a good game (me included) but it's never too late to pursue your dreams. As long as you're alive, then, God willing (which is the key), they can happen.

Why the speech on dreams? Because The Twelve is a dream of mine. To see this published and out on the market to as many people as possible. I'm excited about this project and just to see this little bit come to pass is a joy.

Today I'm posting the remaining four of the full eight sample pages. The page sequence on this is left, right, left, right. Click on the pages. Float your cursor over the bottom right hand corner and you'll get an icon that you can click on to get a full view. God bless and enjoy.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Twelve - Part 1

Goodness. I love it when a project comes together.

Along with changing the 9 to 5 career recently, I've been busy gearing up for my second shopping project as well as finishing my first. This was started back in August 2005 and it's finally completed. I can't tell you how excited I am about this.

This is an eight page sample for an action-adventure drama called The Twelve. It's about twelve people chosen by God to save the United States during World War III. But first, they must destroy it. Burdened with a task they either embrace, despise, or don't understand, they proceed with their mission, an endeavor that forces them to deal with each other and their own hearts.

I'm still in the process of figuring out what format this is going to be in. A twelve issue mini-series would be the perfect thing and rather fitting because of the title. Plus it would give me leeway to break this up into its four acts. Those are tentatively: The Garnering, The Judgment, The Infighting, and The War.

I'm sure coming out the box with a twelve issue mini-series is going to be rather difficult. But that's really how I see it. If the package is good enough, I'm sure the publisher will say something ridiculous like, "We like the concept and how the project looks. The only thing is the twelve issue mini series format. We were thinking more like six."

Well...maybe not that ridiculous. At least I hope not.

This will also work as a graphic novel and probably more so than a mini-series. Either or is fine with me. As long as it gets published. I think this is a story that needs to be told.

This was also partly inspired by characters that were created in the MMORPG City Of Heroes. Personal characters and other characters that were in the same supergroup. I changed a few things...well...more than a few. But the main characters intrinsically stay the same....kinda. are the first four pages of the sample package. I'm REALLY looking for comments on this one because this is a pretty important project to me. As I said before, this story needs to be told.

The page sequence on this is left, right, left, right. Click on the pages. Float your cursor over the bottom right hand corner and you'll get an icon that you can click on to get a full view. God bless and enjoy.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Risks Of Departure - Part 2

Something is happening this year. I can't explain it but my desire to write is increasing. Things that were taking up my time before are becoming less important. God has done something to me inside and I'm digging it. This is a wonderful feeling because once something like this starts to happen, it confirms in your heart that this is what you're supposed to be doing. Writers need that kind of affirmation to keep going.

At the moment I'm working on two major projects. One is a graphic novel I've titled Twelve. The other is a novel titled The Different Ones. I'm finding that working on more than one project at the same time keeps me writing which in turn will make me more productive .

In addition, I have more good news. I just saved a bunch of money by switching to Geico.

No. Seriously. The Justice Directive sample, another graphic novel proposal which you can find on this blog, will be published later on this year. It's slated to be printed some time this summer.

Posting my past work here is a joy for me because it serves as another sign of the ability that God has blessed me with. I remember when I went through my old stuff and was amazed at all the stories and things I had written. It reminds me of that simple, timeless adage for writers. Writers write.

Today, I'm posting the second part of the Ellium: Hybrid anthology story Risks Of Departure. As I said before, people tended to like this story and me and the publisher talked about continuing the story as a separate endeavor more than a few times. The story definitely has the capacity to be expanded. Whether that will come to fruition remains to be seen.

The page sequence on this is left, right, left, right. Click on the pages. Float your cursor over the bottom right hand corner and you'll get an icon that you can click on to get a full view. God bless and enjoy.

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